Our Services

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What We Have

Pathology based Solutions

CA- CYFRA 21-1 (Lung Cancer Marker)


CA- 72.4 (Gastric Cancer Marker)


ASMA (Anti Smooth Muscle Antibodies) IFA


Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (p-ANCA,c-ANCA) ELISA


ANA/ANF (Anti Nuclear Antibodies) ELISA


ANA/ANF (Anti Nuclear Antibodies) (HEP-2) IFA


ANA (Anti Nuclear Antibodies) IFA (Hep-2) with Titers


AMA (Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies)IFA


AMA (Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies) IFA with Titers


.HBS Total Antibody (HBs AB CLIA)
